This pear whiskey sour is perfect for the winter, and my new favorite spin on an old classic cocktail!...
This gin and coconut milk cocktail is a party for the senses! The perfect drink for late summer, it...
This simple strawberry bourbon lemonade is sweetened with a delicious homemade lavender simple syrup for a classy cocktail that...
Celebrate Memorial Day with these three easy pitcher cocktails, full of delicious wines, tasty fruits, and lots of fresh...
Celebrate Valentine’s Day with a tasty and refreshing cocktail that is totally color-appropriate: this rosé and grapefruit spritzer is...
This apricot strawberry mocktail is simple and refreshing, and the perfect way to celebrate an anniversary or other special...
My earl grey gin fizz is the perfect classy cocktail for the holidays! It features a unique homemade earl...
This fennel and peach sour will be your new favorite fall cocktail! Fennel vodka meets honey peach simple syrup...
This iced pumpkin spice latte recipe is my version of my favorite fall drink! It features that pumpkin spice...
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