Where can I learn more about the influencer behind The Charming Detroiter?
That’s me, Sarah! Click here to read more!
How can I use your content on my site?
Single photos from my site can be used without obtaining permission as long as they include a clearly visible link back to my blog. However, please note that copying content or recipes without first obtaining permission is a copyright violation. Click here for more information about copyright. To request permission to use a recipe or other content, please click here and fill out the contact form.

How can I start my own blog?
Check out my post here for the rundown on the 5 things you need to start a blog. Then be sure to check out some of my favorite books that every food blogger should read! And finally, when you are ready to find a hosting company, check out GoDaddy.com:
What blog theme do you use?
I use the Avondale theme from SheShoppesCo, which is built on the Genesis Framework and powered by WordPress.
What other applications do you use to manage your site?
Here are a few of the other programs I use for running my blog:
- Coschedule – This is the ultimate scheduling manager, and is fully integrated with WordPress!
- Tailwind – The only Pinterest planning tool you will ever need, I use this to plan out my content for Pinterest weeks in advance, saving me time overall!
- MailChimp – A great email subscription list platform for sending beautiful emails and building a killer email list!
- HotJar – HotJar is a great tool for evaluating how readers use your site and collecting data on what readers want more of!
How can I collaborate with you?
Check out my page here to learn about what kind of collaborative opportunities and services are available!
How can I stay connected to The Charming Detroiter?
There are tons of ways to stay connected:
What is your disclosure policy?
The Charming Detroiter is financially supported by affiliate links for products purchased. I really appreciate your contributions to helping keep the blog running! Click here to read all about my disclosure policy.