Five Tips for Beginner Cooks
Food•Lifestyle•OrganizationCooking can be a daunting task. I remember when I first started really getting into it, in that post-college, I’m super-poor-still phase of my life when I just couldn’t financially justify eating out every day. I had more than a few dishes that definitely did not turn out correctly! There are some very simple tips, however, that
Why Dim Sum is the Best Thing Ever + A Recipe for Shrim...
Asian•Entrees•Food•Recipes•SeafoodWhen I first met my fiancé’s family, I was relieved to discover they were incredibly kind and incredibly nice. In fact, some of the kindest, nicest people I’d had the pleasure to meet in my life so far. This was the first thing I noticed. The second thing was that they loved good food, and
Monday Musings – May 25, 2015
LifestyleHappy Memorial Day, friends! A big thank you to all of our troops around the world for their incredible service to our country. Monday Musings is a weekly post I started where I highlight all of the amazing things that have been going on the past week that I have to be thankful for, along with a
A Simple DIY Method for Hemming Curtains
DIY•Home Decor•PuppiesSo we have had these bedroom curtains for like a month now. I love them, I really do: for the price they are decent quality and the right color that I wanted for the bedroom. But I had been dreading the notion of having to hem them… having to hem six curtain panels.
A Mexican-Inspired Engagement Party
Entertaining•Food•LifestyleWhen I met my fiancé, it was love at first sight. And trust me, I know how cliche that sounds, but it’s true. We were both graduates of the University of Michigan, and we both love the city we studied in. Similarly, we were both Republicans, which is always helpful when you can agree on