Today I’m sharing another new project at our house: our DIY foyer accent wall!

Happy Monday, friends! This project has actually been a long time in the making as we went back on forth on the major details of it. To start, I lovvvve a good accent wall. If you’ve been around for a while, you may remember the accent wall we did in our master bedroom last year! That was (and still is!) a favorite, but this one might be even better!

Our foyer is quite extensive, and I have always loved the look of board and batten. I feel like it gives the perfect traditional vibe in a space that allows you to bring in newer or more modern pieces to make it a beautifully transitional space. And so we settled on this style for our foyer. The original thought (and we may still do it 😀 ), was to do all the foyer walls, from the begining of the staircase all the way up the stairs and on all the second story walls of the foyer. But because we have so many doors, my husband was concerned it might not have the look that I was going for. And so we finally settled on doing the one main wall and then deciding afterwards if we want to extend it throughout.

I am so obsessed with out it turned out, you guys! This was a really easy project, but the most time consuming part was definitely caulking the seams and filling in the nail holes and sanding. That is always my least favorite part, but oh so necessary for a beautifully seamless transition!

We have a couple more small decor projects we are planning to complete in the foyer space before I’ll be sharing the finished transformation, so stay tuned for that next month too! Let me know what you think of the wall in the comments below!

I love this foyer accent wall idea. It looks amazing! Thank you for the post;)