Today I’m sharing my secret hydration tool, what I use every day to make sure my skin and body are staying hydrated! Plus, a roundup of my daily skincare routine items!

Eek! Yesterday’s post totally did not go out, and last week I missed a scheduled one on ingrown toenail tool too! I feel so behind here the past couple of weeks as I’ve been hunkering down for last minute cramming for my board exam yesterday and today. Normally I hate that feeling, but this time I’m trying to take a tiny step (dare I say – a baby step?) towards embracing it, as I know my upcoming mommy role will definitely continue to contribute to that!
I previously shared my Top Ten Must-Have Amazon Beauty Products on the blog, and today I thought I’d expand on that by sharing with you guys my daily pregnancy beauty routine, including my secret tool for ensuring good skin hydration! I also found out recently the amazing benefits of green superfood powders to our skin so make sure to read about it too! I’ve made a few alterations to my usual routine during pregnancy (for example, no retinoid-containing products and no micro-rolling right now), and so below I’ve shared all my current favorite products for my daily routine including products from my new favorite brand Beverly Hills MD!