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Basement Inspiration Board: Our Latest Remodel Plans!

A new remodel project is on the way: this time in the lower level! I’m sharing all my basement inspiration today for remodeling our second living space!

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Happy Monday, friends! Today is day 1 of sharing our newest remodel project with you: our basement second living space!

We have a lot of plans to renovate our first floor including the living room, but we ultimately have decided to start with the basement for several reasons. First of all, we plan to use a service similar to these Milwaukee basement repair services to get the basement completely water-proofed and damp sealed. We don’t want any mould growing and ruining our hard work! This will allow us to turn it into a lovely space for Sophie’s toys – so that we adults can reclaim our living room. Believe me, the kid has a lot of stuff! Secondly, however, and perhaps more practically, is remodeling the space downstairs will give us an area to hang out when we eventually remodel our first floor – so we aren’t entirely living in dust and chaos during that period. The best part is that some Milwaukee Property Damage Restoration services do both restoration and remodeling services. That is such a relief for house owners! Because choosing such services saves you a lot of time and energy.

This project has already been in the works for months as we started looking into the best basement carpet padding, shelving, and lighting a long time ago. But, it’s now the main project we’re working on so things will start to move a lot quicker now. The idea is that the basement will essentially have everything that we need in it so that even if the remodel upstairs takes longer than expected, we’ll still have somewhere to call home and relax in. So, without any further adieu, I wanted to share with y’all our before photos and all my basement inspiration!

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before photos