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Coconut Lime Popsicles

You put the lime in the coconut and…. make these crazy tasty and creamy coconut lime popsicles!

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Boy it is so hot out there! We just got back from our amazing honeymoon on Saturday, and it is like hot HOT hot here. Much hotter than it was over in Europe so it was kind of a shocking wave of heat and humidity that hit us when we rolled our suitcases out of the airport two nights ago. And when the weather is hot, the treats should be cold! These coconut lime popsicles are just perfect!

I love these popsicles because they are crreeeaaammy. They get their creaminess (and beautiful coconut flavor!) from the addition of coconut milk in the popsicle liquid. I love love love how refreshing this makes the popsicles! If you don’t like crunchies in your popsicle, then I would finely chop the actual coconut in a food processor until it is a very fine powdery consistency before adding to the popsicle mixture.

To make the popsicles this adorable old-school style, I used this popsicle mold. I love the dramatic ridges down the edge of the popsicles!

These are the perfect coconut lime treat to give your family to cope with these hot summer days! Now it’s your turn: what is your favorite popsicle flavor combo for the summer? Please share with me by commenting below!

Coconut Lime Popsicles
Yields 8
Not only do they have a beautiful color, but these creamy popsicles will rock your world with coconut lime flavor all this summer!
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Prep Time
15 min
Total Time
3 hr 15 min
Prep Time
15 min
Total Time
3 hr 15 min
  1. 1 can coconut milk
  2. ¼ cup milk
  3. ¼ cup lime juice, fresh squeezed
  4. 1 tbsp. lime zest
  5. ¼ cup unsweetened shredded coconut
  6. 1 drop green food coloring (optional)
  1. In a Vitamix blender, combine coconut milk, milk, lime juice, lime zest, and shredded coconut. If desired, add 1 drop of green food coloring. Blend on high until mixture is well-combined, about 1 minute. Distribute the popsicle mixture evenly among the 8 popsicle molds. Carefully transfer popsicle mold to freezer and freeze for 10 minutes. Insert a popsicle stick into each popsicle mold and then freeze until solid, about 2-3 hours. Enjoy!
The Charming Detroiter

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